PBM Hard Rock 6 hour race cancelation.
The Manning Great Lakes Tip Riders mountain bike club, have made the hard decision to cancel the PBM Hardrock 6 hour mountain bike race due to the uncertainty of current lockdowns and restrictions, the event had already been postponed once to Sunday 10th October 2021, sadly this won’t now proceed.
This was a hard decision but the safety of our members and community is paramount and we wanted to also make sure that riders have time to change their travel plans far enough in advance.
A big shout out to Charlie from Pacific Blue Metal and all our sponsors for their continued patients and support.
We plan to hold the 6 hour on our usual date the 21st in August 2022, please add this to your diaries, as we plan to be back bigger and better.
Keep an eye out for more posts on Facebook, the club plans on holding a 3 hour club race once COVID settles down.